Arnica Dental
Cosmetic Dentistry & family Dentistry located
in Frisco, TX
Preventive dentistry is dental care that helps maintain good oral health. It’s a combination of regular dental check-ups along with developing good habits like brushing and flossing. Taking care of your teeth starts early in childhood and extends throughout the course of your life.
Dental insurance plans tend to prioritize preventive dental care because of the important role it plays in overall oral health. Therefore, preventive dental services are often covered at 100 percent with minimal or no deductibles or co-pays (in other words, minimal out-of-pocket costs). In addition, with some plans, preventive services are not counted against your annual maximum.
The preventive dentistry services reduce the likelihood of contracting oral health conditions that can be more expensive to treat and uncomfortable to experience. At our office we offer the following diagnostic services utilized to catch signs of oral problems early including:
• Oral evaluations (check-ups)
• X-rays
• Professional cleanings
• Sealants, which are coverings that are applied to the top surfaces of permanent teeth to prevent decay in the grooves that naturally occur in these teeth
• Techniques for proper brushing, flossing, and use of other oral hygiene aids
• Nutritional and/or tobacco cessation counseling
• Space maintainers for children
• In special circumstances, preventive resin restorations or decay arresting medication applied to teeth, typically given to children at high risk for developing decay